What is Sports Massage?

Sports Massage is a type of massage therapy which utilises deep tissue manipulation techniques with the aim of reducing muscular tension, discomfort and pain.

Despite its name this method of massage isn't restricted to just sports participants, as deep tissue massage can be used not only to promote general muscular maintenance but also to treat a wide variety of conditions, such as:

  • Muscular and joint injuries such as sprains and strains
  • Postural related pain
  • Headaches
  • Whiplash
  • Golfers and tennis elbow
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Back pain

Benefits of Sports & Deep Tissue Massage

The following benefits can be experienced through the application of sports and deep tissue massage techniques:

  • Reduction in muscle tension, muscular pain and discomfort
  • Increased range of motion, leading to enhanced performance.
  • Decreased muscle stiffness and soreness after exercise or physical activity
  • Reduced recovery time post injury
  • Increased levels of relaxation and reduction in physical and psychological stress levels
  • Aids sleep quantity and quality.